VESMER, Silver Wholesaler

Making a purchase on is very simple. Just follow the steps below:

  1. Access our product catalog through the sections you will find at the top of the navigation menu.

  1. View the products that interest you. By clicking on a product you can get more information about it (details of the article, manufacturing materials, etc.).

  1. Once you have entered the product, all the varieties of that article appear; choose the quantity you want from each variant and once you have selected the quantity, add the product to the cart. Once the previous step has been completed, you can continue shopping or go to your cart and finish the purchase.

  1. When you have finished selecting all the products you want, go to the cart; there will appear the detail of your purchase and you can modify the quantity of any item or remove it from your order. Once you review your purchase, confirm that the shipping and the billing address are correct, you must modify them otherwise. At this point you will have to choose the shipping and the payment method.

  1. The payment method by default is wire transfer. Select this method and once your purchase is finished, your agent will contact you to complete the payment details.

  1. Once you have completed your order, your agent will contact you in order to confirm that all items are available and if you wish to add any other item or to specify any variation of the products.

Product added to wishlist